Feb 2, 2008

My Opinionated Application Stack

This post is the continuation of a thread that started with: Opportunities

Recently I've been thinking a lot about different ways to minimize duplication of work. Many of my projects have similar requirements, how best can I reuse the effort from one to the next?

I've also been puzzling over another problem; How do I provide businesses with reliable application when they don't have the necessary I.T. support to manage it and they don't have a reliable enough internet connection to go the "software as a service" route?

It turns out that both questions may have the same answer. An application appliance! A low cost plug and play application server that's configured with a well defined software stack and the ability to backup to a remote service that is able to double as a warm standby in a pinch.

In future posts I'll explain in more detail.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike Jereamy here
some very interesting
stuff if only knew what any of it ment lol

Unknown said...

Take a look at JumpBox. We do pretty much what you describe, but without any hardware. We actually started out building hardware too, but quickly came to the conclusion that it's just not necessary. We're also focused on solutions for the very small environments like you talk about.

Unknown said...

Kimbro: Thanks for pointing out JumpBox I hadn't run across it before. I'll have to take some time to check it out, it really does look interesting.

There's overlap in the ideas there's also some differences...

While I do eventually intend to package up the server for virtualization my primary objective is to create a RubyOnRails application stack that's tuned to use cloud computing services, like EC2 and S3, as a warm standby.