Feb 2, 2008


A driving belief of mine is that there's an enormous long tail associated with the custom business software market. It exists because software development is difficult and in the past only the deepest pockets have typically tried to tackle the problem but I think this has already began to change! Things like agile test driven development methodologies, the use of free software, and opinionated design are going to make it a reality.

I'd like to share my recipe for this but you'll need to keep in mind I'm focusing on the really (really) small business that just doesn't register on the radar of more established custom software providers.

It's really simple and goes something like this...

Stick to the small projects that can be completed quickly. Every business has itches that need to be scratched. Keep the customer involved, which should be easy if you're focusing on a real itches and provide a turn key (nearly) zero administration solution.

Which gets me to what I wanted to talk about, my opinionated application stack

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