May 10, 2009

Writing User Stories for the First BDDBlog Release

In a previous post I shared the basics of my release plan, crude as it was. Next I'm going to create user stories for the entire first release once that's done I'll plan and execute regular weekly iterations to complete all the release stories. The one thing I'm going to do a bit different is that I'm going to rough out my user stories directly to cucumber features then I will maintain a list of uncompleted features that can be prioritized as I burn it down.

The first task at hand is to turn my first release's outline into Cucumber features. As I do this I'm not going to get overly concerned about the wording of my features. I expect that I'll be massaging them as I implement them.

With all that out of the way It's time to burn down the items on my release list and create some features. The first two items in the list is the most basic;

  1. Must be able to Create, Edit and View posts.
  2. Must support per post permanent URLs

Next I'll look at this from each type of users role; Reader, Author and Admin but I'm going to do that in seperate posts.

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