Apr 5, 2008

Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron"

The new Ubuntu release, 8.04 "Hardy Heron", is nearly out so I thought I'd take a few minutes to do a fresh 'from scratch' install on to my laptop, a Dell Latitude D830, this weekend. I was pleasently suprised that almost everything worked exactly as expected out of the box, including; wireless networking, dual head monitor support, suspend, hibernate, compiz, etc....

There was one small but very critical change I had to make. It appears that the ACPI hard drive load/unload bug has still not been fixed. It's critically important that you apply this work around unless you want your hard drive to die prematurely.

There was one other non-critical change I made. I didn't dig into the issue to understand it but for what ever reason the default ALSA settings don't support the audio pass through in the docking station. Fortunately the fix is extremely simple. You just need to install the "Gnome Alsa Mixer" and select the IEC958 check box.

#> sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer

I've been running Ubuntu on this laptop since the 7.04 Feisty Fawn release and this is by far the smoothest install yet. In the past I've been reluctant to declare Ubuntu's desktop experience to be better than Windows but I think I'm finally convinced.


Unknown said...

Thanks. The sound has not worked on my docking station at the office since 7.04. I have just lived with it until I was googling for something else and found your post. I just upgraded to 8.04 this weekend and very nice perk to have this working!!!

Wally Hass

Unknown said...

On another note, since we both have the D830, do you notice it running hot versus 7.10? I upgraded today and the fan is constantly on and the keyboard is hot. I have a CPU monitor running and I'm low, below 30...(i like the new system monitor).


Devin Riley said...

i'm having trouble applying the patch to the hard drive. im not sure if im doing it right. basically what i did was open a text editor, put the required lines into the editor and then tried to save it into the folder as well as copy it in and it said that access was denied because i do not have the necessary permissions to copy/save. can you tell me what im doing wrong.

Unknown said...

You need to use sudo when copying it.