Mar 25, 2008

Modeling Magic

I never dreamed I'd ever come to find business software an interesting domain to study but that's exactly what's happened.

Like it was for many people, I first got interested in programming because of games. In fact I can trace my interest to a specific event; I was about 10 and I was playing a game on an Atari 400 computer and realized I had absolutely no understanding of how it worked. Prior to that moment I thought there was nothing in the world more complex than a light switch but after that moment I wasn't so sure. I had to learn how it worked; was it magic or a light switch?

Well of course it was a light switch, a gazillion of them all packed on to a chip in fact, but while I was learning that I came to a realization, apparently one all programmers make; The only way to demonstrate your understanding of something was to model it in software.

So now I find myself trying to model business processes but I'm not 100% sure there's not a bit of magic in this light switch.

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