Mar 30, 2008

Cleaning Up Revision Histories

A post in the the bazaar email group described a better approach (than I had been using) to manage merges from personal working branches. For example; If I wanted to commit a change to the project 'Foo', according to the post, I'd do something like this...

$> bzr init-repo foo-branches
$> cd foo-branches
$> bzr branch trunk
$> bzr branch trunk workbranch
$> cd mybranch
$> # hack, commit, hack commit, repeat as necessary
$> cd ../trunk
$> bzr pull
$> bzr merge ../workbranch
$> bzr commit
$> bzr push
What I've done above is to first create a shared repository. I do this because I'm going to be working with multiple branches of the same project. Then I branch Foo's trunk into my new shared repository. Next I branch the trunk (that's in the repository) to my personal working branch, make all the changes and as many commits as I want. When I'm done I go back to the trunk. Pull it to make sure it's up to date. Then merge in my changes. Once I've done that I commit them and push them up to the server.

If you're worried about disk space you can remove the working trees for any branch you're not currently working in.

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