I haven't seen the movie but I stumbled across this and got a good laugh.
Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'
May 10, 2009
Onion News Network Has Fun With Star Trek Movie
Labels: Entertainment
Writing the Reader's Stories for the First BDD Blog Release
I continue with my plan to write user stories for my first release. In this post I'll cover features from the readers perspective.
- Must be able to Create, Edit and View posts.
- Must support per post permanent URLs
Feature: browsing
As a reader
I want to browse the site
So that I can read it's content
# scenarios that involve the reader navigating to the
# home page as the number of available posts vary
Scenario: 0 of 0
Given that 0 posts exist
When I go to the home page
Then I should be on the error page
And I should see "page not found"
Scenario: 1 of 1
Given that 1 post exists
When I go to the home page
Then I should be on post page 1
And I should not see a link to the next post
And I should not see a link to the previous post
Scenario: 2 of 2
Given that 2 posts exist
When I go to the home page
Then I should be on post page 2
And I should see a link to the previous post
And I should not see a link to the next post
# Scenarios that involve the reader navigating to a specific
# post; the first, middle and last. These primarily demonstrate
# the behavior of the navigation links to previous and next
# post pages
Scenario: 1 of 2
Given that 2 posts exist
When I go to post page 1
Then I should not see a link to the previous post
And I should see a lnk to the next post
Scenario: 2 of 3
Given that 3 posts exist
When I go to post page 2
Then I should see a link to the previous post
And I should see a link to the next post
# navigation to specific posts is done through post
# page permalinks. The permalinks are derived from
# the title of the post
Scenario: navigate to an non-existant post
Given that no posts have been created
When I go to the path /posts/get-rich-overnight
Then I should be on the error page
And I should see "page not found"
And I should see a link to the home page
Scenario: navigate to an existing post
Given that post 1 exists
And that post 1 has the title "Get Rich Overnight"
And that post 1 has the body lorem ispum
When I go to /posts/get-rich-overnight
Then I should see "Get Rich Overnight"
And I should see lorem ipsum
Writing User Stories for the First BDDBlog Release
In a previous post I shared the basics of my release plan, crude as it was. Next I'm going to create user stories for the entire first release once that's done I'll plan and execute regular weekly iterations to complete all the release stories. The one thing I'm going to do a bit different is that I'm going to rough out my user stories directly to cucumber features then I will maintain a list of uncompleted features that can be prioritized as I burn it down.
The first task at hand is to turn my first release's outline into Cucumber features. As I do this I'm not going to get overly concerned about the wording of my features. I expect that I'll be massaging them as I implement them.
With all that out of the way It's time to burn down the items on my release list and create some features. The first two items in the list is the most basic;
- Must be able to Create, Edit and View posts.
- Must support per post permanent URLs
Next I'll look at this from each type of users role; Reader, Author and Admin but I'm going to do that in seperate posts.
May 3, 2009
My First BDDBlog Design Decisions
Website navigation should just work from the users perspective. It should seem simple and intuitive they should never have to think about it. That of course means the burden to 'think about it' is on the developer. Today I spent some time trying to decide how I wanted navigation to work in my new blog. It wasn't as easy to make these decisions as I would have expected before hand.
Specifically I was trying to figure out exactly what a reader expects to see when they navigate to the home page and where they expect to find older posts. I spent a fair bit of time looking at other blogs and in the end I found two basic approaches.
In one case the blogs tend to provide some number of recent posts one below the next on the home page. Typically the posts are separated by dates as appropriate. This style seems to be more appropriate for blogs with frequent small posts.
The other common approach was to only display the most recent post on the homepage and to provide navigation links to previous posts. This style seems to be more appropriate for blogs with longer posts.
This left me a bit unsure at first. Quite a few of my posts are much to big for Blogger's format. On the other hand It's not entirely uncommon for me to do micro posts. What to do?
Well after spending quite a bit of time thinking about it, for now, my decision is that I'll use the latter style. My blog will feature a single post per page and provide links to older or newer posts as appropriate but this means I can't easily roll a twitter or delicious summary into my blog without it displacing the most recent post.
After spending some time pondering that problem I decided that I may not be able to roll those other feeds into my blog but it most certianly doesn't prevent me from splicing them into my feed.
So it looks like I've already stumbled on to another requirement; the ability to splice multiple RSS/Atom feeds into one. Feature creep already =(
On the other hand maybe I've stumbled on to a useful service? Atom/RSS Feed splicing with format conversion? Does anyone already offer that? Hmmm... I'll have to think about that one.
Labels: BDDBlog
May 2, 2009
Planning Features for the First BDDBlog Release
In a previous post I talked a bit about my motivations and just what I was up to. In this post I'm going to start to define some specifics for the inner blog project.
I'm planning on making at least three releases. The first release is intended to replicate the basic functionality of Blogger. The second release will expand on the first, provide better tools for managing multi-part articles and some wiki like editing features. The third release, which is being developed for a different domain and not this blog, will incorporate the shopping cart functionality.
Here's my laundry list of functionality in the order I intend to implement it in the first release:
- Must be able to Create, Edit and View posts
- Must support per post permanent URLs
- Must allow posts to be tagged
Must support monthly archiving- Must support authenticated admin/author logins
- Must have admin editing of site title and description
- Must have admin editing of site CSS and HTML header/footers
- Must have admin editing of side panel html/javascript
- Must be able to import Blogger's exported content
- Must provide full text search functionality
- Must provide tag search functionality
- Must provide an Atom 1.0 full content feed
- Must be able to ping blog search engines
Now on to the coding....
Labels: BDDBlog
May 1, 2009
Dissident Movments Of The Future
Anonymous' target may be Scientology but it's interesting to think about how these tactics maybe applied more broadly in the future by other interests.
How Long Before TV Programming Follows Print Media?
You'd pretty much have to be living under a rock not be aware of the changes the 21st century is imposing on the old media industries. Print news papers have been especially hard hit recently. Still, it really sunk in today, that television is next and when their financial problems start, it will happen just as rapidly and be just as significant.
What made this especially clear today was watching this:
I'm not entirely new to EPIC FU, I first ran across it quite a while back, but what what really struck me today was the high quality of the production. If this is what you can get for free and on demand why would I want to pay to have crap streamed to me?